Tuesday 22 January 2013

Make Money From SiteBildz

The launch in February will give precise detail. Bookmark this page as sitebildz.blogspot.com.We have early access to the full information on the software.
If SiteBildz allows you to create websites and or mobile sites quickly – and drive traffic to them on the face of it ‘traditional site flipping’ will make you a few hundred dollars.

Features Of SiteBildz

 Features Of SiteBildz
Full list of features will be listed here on release in February 2013
So far we know that it contains 3 products:
1. Affiliate Marketing
2. Site Flipping
3. Mobile Marketing
4. The software has been in development for over 1 year at a cost in excess of $200,000
Affiliate Marketing probably doesn’t need much explanation, however SiteBildz is designed to be used by experienced ‘Affiliate Marketeers’ and new people to the industry alike.
Affiliate Marketing can take many forms – but all revolve around selling someone else’s online product, for which you get paid a commission.
Site Flipping is a fantastic long-term way to earn money, but not necessary in the traditional sense of ‘site flipping’
What is the traditional definition of site flipping? To answer the question what is website flipping you just have to understand this concept:  A website that earns zero income is purchased by an individual and after marketing the website, it starts to earn $50 per month. Then one can go on and sell it for $500 which is at least 10 times the monthly income of the website that you are selling. Many people enter the world of flipping with zero knowledge and only once you experiment will you be able to learn the basics and it will take at least a couple of months before you make your first profitable sale. Now when you read more on what is website flipping, you will see that you are required to build a simple website with the purpose of selling off in the future to an opportunity seeker for larger profit.
However, to earn long-term revenue site flipping can be fantastic. In the example above why sell a site that is earning $50 a month – KEEP IT.  Build another 10, 20, 100 sites and keep them all.
Mobile Marketing is a very exciting feature of SiteBildz.  According to ‘Google’ over 30% of internet searches are conducted using a mobile device. That is massive numbers – and yet a really under-utilized marketing tool.
For getting better ‘search engine optimisation’ I use a mobile site for all my ‘normal’ websites. Google loves it!
Whether SiteBildz will be bringing to the market a really easy way to create mobile sites – or will be using mobile marketing techniques and advert placement to drive traffic to a (soon to be) flipped site only time will tell.
1 Year and $200,000 in the making – we are expecting something very brilliant.  The advertising calls it ‘Evolutionary’ and if the team behind SENuke are behind it I would put great trust that it will rock the affiliate marketing world.


The actual functions of the SiteBildz are a highly guarded secret, as the Beta testing is now complete, one or two indications of what the SiteBildz can do are starting to leak out.
SiteBildz is being brought to life by the team behind SENuke.
SENuke is a brilliant piece of software that automates many of the ‘black hat’ practices used for ‘search engine optimization’ of websites.
 “SiteBildz is a stand alone product and is not a part of senuke as it has nothing to do with SEO or link building. There is not  much detail at this time about what exactly SiteBuildz is, but if your thinking it’s a site builder as the name implies you would only be partially correct, it is actually a whole lot more than just a builder.
If you are involved in affiliate marketing, site flipping or mobile marketing you will love the innovations that sitebildz is bringing to the table!”